
”Flemish CMV Registry”

Congenital cytomegalovirusinfection (CMV) is the most common congenital infection worldwide affecting about 1% of all the live births worldwide. Of all infected children, 15-20 % will be symptomatic at birth. The other 80-85 % of infected babies will be asymptomatic at birth. Although most of the asymptomatic children develop normally, 15-20% will develop long-term sequelae, mostly sensorineural hearing loss.

The Flemish Society of Pediatrics’ Neonatology and Perinatal Epidemiology Working Group founded a working group for congenital CMV infection, consisting of neonatologists, general pediatricians, otorhinolaryngologists and infectiologists. The working group aimed to propose a consensus about diagnostics, follow up and indications for treatment for children with congenital CMV infection.

In 2007, the registration of all children with proven congenital CMV infection in Flanders started, with the cooperation of six Flemish centers (Ghent University Hospital, University Hospital Antwerp, Sint Augustinus Antwerp, Ziekenhuisnetwerk Antwerp, University Hospital Leuven, AZ Sint Jan Bruges).  Since 2013 an online database was founded in order to facilitate the collection of these data.

This website contains information for patients on congenital CMV and provides caretakers with the latest publications and updates.

Caretakers who want to enter new patients or data in the online database, please click registry.